Privacy policy

As from 25 May 2018, the processing of personal data will be ruled by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. For the purposes of processing personal data, this legal provision applies only to personal data relating to natural persons, a concept which includes natural persons exercising their jobs or positions in Business Clients, legal representatives and sole proprietors. The purpose of this communication is to make you aware of the new rules applicable to the processing of your personal data, the rights you have, as well as inform you how you can directly and simply manage the related consents. In the scope and for the purposes of sending you invitations to events, information on product and service updates, as well as other institutional or commercial information (“Purpose of Processing”) of the companies which make up LINK Brand (AITEC CAPITAL, BEMOBILE, CONSULTIA, LINK CONSULTING, LINKCOM, LINK INOV, LINK REDGLUE, LINK GRC), Link Consulting, Tecnologias de Informação, S.A., will be the entity responsible for processing your personal data and for ensuring the protection of your privacy, acting according to the law and the new Regulation.

Entity Responsible for Processing: Link Consulting, Tecnologias de Informação, S.A. Avenida Duque D’Avila, nº 23, 1000-138 Lisboa

Contact of the person responsible for the processing:

In our records we keep the following personal data: name, profession, email address, position/job and sex. All Personal Data shall be kept by the Entity Responsible for the Processing as long as the existing relationship between you and the LINK Brand companies remains in force, or if the purpose for which data have been collected is maintained (“Data Retain Term”). Data collected will always be destroyed at the end of their legal deadline, and will only be kept for a period of time essential and appropriate to the purposes for which they are intended, according to the law in force, or as long as the consent for “purpose of processing” is valid for which the consent was obtained. The companies that make up the LINK brand have always complied with the legal rules regarding processing and privacy of their clients’ personal data, a situation which will now be reinforced with the new legislation, increasing the security and control of data protection. We remind you that at any time you can, without any charge, exercise the right to withdraw the consent previously granted, request access to your personal data and information regarding the treatment thereof, request rectification, modification, restriction, anonymisation or erasure of your personal data, request an explanation about the processing and exercise the right to complain to the supervisory authority. Furthermore, where personal data breach implies a high risk, under the applicable legislation of the rights and freedoms of natural persons, you will be duly notified of the incident without undue delay.

These rights can be exercised by e-mail to or by letter sent to Avenida Duque D’Avila, nº 23, 1000-138 Lisboa, addressed to the Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data of Link Brand companies.

The Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data of Link Brand companies, Link Consulting, Tecnologias de Informação S.A. Last update: 21 May 2018